Commercial hot water systems for multiple restaurant kitchens and facility restrooms

The 4th Street Market in Santa Ana is a progress culinary hub that features 10 incubator kitchens now move to imporve its hot water system by going with Noritz tankless water heaters. It now utilizes 22 rooftop Noritz Commercial NC1991-OD to provide endless hot water.

- Project Type : Restaurant
- Equipment Installed : NCC1991-OD
- Number of Unit : 22
- Installation Location : Rooftop
Challenge : Meet the hot-water requirements of 22 tenant operations, including 20 kitchen sinks, 19 prep sinks, seven lavatories and three mop sinks, with a combined maximum flow rate approaching 43 gallons per minute. In additon,the solution had to be positioned in a way that would maximize rentable space on the first floor.
Solutions : Install 22, NC1991-OD gas-fired tankless water heaters, a maximum flow rate of 11.1 gallons per minute; and gas consumption from 16,000 to 199,900 BTU/hour. Capitalizing on the temperate climate of Southern California, all of the units were positioned outdoors on the rooftop of the restaurant, mounted on custom-made racks by the installer.
No interior square footage was required for the water heaters, allowing for more space to go to the tenants. The redundancy of 22 tankless units permits servicing on individual water heaters without having to shut down the entire system and deprive tenants of hot water.
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